Chamber of Customs Brokers Inc.

CCBI congratulate and thrown Manifest of Support to DOF Secretary Ralph Recto

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has picked House Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto as the new Secretary of the Department of Finance, replacing Benjamin Diokno, Malacañang announced Thursday.

Recto resigned from his position as Batangas District 6 Representative and will become the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives. He also served Three terms in the Senate, including serving as Senate President Pro Tempore and Senate Minority Leader.

Before his election to the Senate, he was a Three-term speaker for the fourth district of Batangas. He was also director of Economic Empowerment and National Development under President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from 2008 to 2009. Recto holds a degree in Business Administration from De La Salle University in Manila.

He also holds a master’s degree in Strategic Business Economics from the University of the Asia and the Pacific and another master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines. He took up a leadership course at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, Doc. Anthony Cristobal Lcb, President of Chamber of Customs Brokers Inc., congratulates and expresses its support for Ralph Recto on his appointment as Secretary of Finance.

Manifest of Support

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In a statement issued Friday, The CCBI President  said it pledges its assistance to Recto and wishes him


Your vision and initiatives aimed at fostering economic growth enhancing fiscal stability, and promoting good governance in our country. We recognize your pivotal role of the Department of Finance in shaping policies that directly impact the customs brokers profession, trade facilitation, and the overall business environment.

Furthermore, the CCBI pledge it’s support to Recto and look forward to his success in his new and important role, including the continued improvement of laws and policies to attract investment and expansion. The CCBI look forward to working with him and other recent appointees, including Special Assistant to the President Frederick Go, Agriculture Secretary Francis Laurel and the rest of the economic team.

Photo: Remate

   Editor: Rod Villanueva

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